Vancouver Empty Homes Tax
Effective January 1, 2017, Vancouver home owners are subject to an empty home tax of 1% of the property’s assessed value (the “Tax”), pursuant to Vacancy Tax By-law No. 11674 (the “By-law”). In accordance with the By-law, all…
One Year Left for Society Transition
Societies Act – Transition Deadline of November 2018 is Fast Approaching! In May of 2015, the British Columbia Government enacted the Societies Act (the “Act”), which requires all societies in British Columbia to transition by November 28th, 2018. The…
Canadian Charity Compliance
The Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) has produced a number of charitable registration and charity compliance videos, that are very helpful for Canadian charities dealing with the following issues: How Do I Chose the Right Charity; Gifting and Receipting;…
Foreign Owners of US LLCs (single-member) Must Report to IRS
Foreign owners of single-member US LLCs now forced to report to tax authority (IRS).
CRA Charities Directorate Video: “Gifting and Receipting”
Learn about the types of donations for which registered charities and other qualified donees can issue a tax receipt, and the various rules on receipting.
Changes to Principal Residence Exemption Announced Today
Minister of Finance, Bill Morneau, announced a major change to the rules regarding the Principal Residence Exemption.
Charities Update – Canada
Recent Canadian Charity News: Official donation receipts must now include the name and website address of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Following the move to the website, official donation receipts will need to be updated with the…