“IP Village” Set to Help Canadian SMEs
The soon to be established IP Village, is intended to help small and medium-sized enterprises in Canada, utilize and leverage intellectual property effectively, to gain business and market share advantage.
1510 – 999 West Hastings St. Vancouver, BC V6C 2W2
Email us info@barbeau.co
Call us now 604.688.4900
The soon to be established IP Village, is intended to help small and medium-sized enterprises in Canada, utilize and leverage intellectual property effectively, to gain business and market share advantage.
Due to a recent court decision from the Federal Court of Canada, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (the “CIPO”) is now accepting applications for trade-marks that consist of a sound. This in response to a trade-mark application filed…
Plan for Success – Build an IP Strategy
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office has launched a new online learning module to help guide you along the process of building an intellectual property (IP) strategy to align your IP assets and business goals in order to maximize…